USF EM focuses on the assemblage of new care pathways through direct engagement and involvement of social scientists. We place social scientists (anthropologist) into the clinical space. This work has been best exemplified by our efforts to conduct non-targeted HIV and HCV screening and linkage to care, as well as the construction and implementation of an opioid use disorder bridge program utilizing buprenorphine, and the operation of a prehospital/out of hospital space syringe exchange program that moves us closer to a regional coordinated harm reduction system.
Our USF EM SEM team also have worked to vaccinate refugees, explore vaccine hesitancy in the ED, and investigate healthcare disparities and inequity in female health, including differential rates of endometrial cancer and potential opportunities for ED screening/intervention.
Read more about these efforts at our site!
Our USF EM SEM Section works to meet the goals outlined by the ACEP Social Emergency Medicine Vision Statement and follows the vision outlined by readings and projects conducted through the SAEM Social Emergency Medicine and Population Health Section