Research Assistant Screening Fee (monthly)
Tampa General Hospital has a monthly screening service where our research personnel continuously monitor the ED Track board, to identify any new patients coming into the Emergency Department that might meet study criteria. This model has significantly increased our enrollments. Our fee for 24/7 screening coverage is variable to cover a portion of the costs used to have Research Assistants screen all patients who go through the Emergency Department (ED) and identify potentially eligible patients for the study in real time. (Tampa General Hospital ED sees approximately 200 patients per day)
Tier One ($1,500-$2,000/month)
Includes 24/7 screening coverage to review patients and identify potentially eligible patients based on basic protocol inclusion and exclusion criteria as documented in the EMR. The research assistants will provide a list of potentially eligible patients to the primary study coordinator/nurse.
Tier Two (starts at $2,000/month, specific costs vary by study and budget)
Includes Tier One services. Additionally, the research assistant can approach patients to gauge interest in participating and provide the patient with study information. The research assistant may complete a more in-depth screening process that can include patient interviews to assess inclusion and exclusion criteria that is not readily available in the EMR. The research assistant may also distribute IRB approved patient materials for recruitment.